As an emergent community we aim to be custodians of the land and to abide by the permaculture ethics of earth care, people care and future care.
Earth care is at the forefront of this project, we aim to enrich the land's natural abundance whilst efficient and responsibly looking after natural resources. We will apply holistic land management patterns, use water retention in dry landscapes strategies and preserve and enhance plant, animal and soil life. All life forms are encouraged to thrive in permaculture systems and to have their needs met.
People care entails respect for ourselves and others, developing good communication skills and practices, meeting our human needs by developing harmonious relationships with each other and the land. As a community we need to be tolerant and open-minded as well as honest and respectful. It is vital that we accept cultural and religious diversity without the imposition of subscribing to any particular religions. We are however free as a community to design and create rituals, ceremonies and wellness routines we consider essential and appropriate to care for ourselves when working together.
In order to master a project of this scale it is also important that we develop from the onset good links and networking practices with the relevant municipalities. We should consider including this in the land acquisition brief so we have the option of knowing and researching beforehand which municipalities encourage holistic land management practices and ecological settlements. Some actively welcome these initiatives.
We aspire to develop right livelihoods which can benefit our community as well as local people. Care for the future entails mindful use of natural resources, ensuring we allow these to replenish and that before designing and implementing any material and organisational systems we carefully evaluate their impact on the land, people and future generations. Sometimes we have to make conservative use of available resources to ensure their abundance overtime.
As Bill Mollison wisely put it we are scouting time, designing not only for the now but foremost for the future.
"When we design, we are always building for future floods, future fires, future droughts, and planting a tree a few inches tall that will be future forest giants, throw future shadows. Future populations will need future soils and forest resources, shelter, security. So somebody needs to range ahead in time, scout out the next century. We are not daydreaming. We are time scouts." Bill Mollison (1928 - 2016)