Those who feel called to shape this project further and actively work to enable its development can join the social gatherings. There will be a schedule of invitation gatherings from early Autumn 2016 to allow us to find our tribe and further explore and discuss the project. These are safe spaces to connect and engage with each other, to have the opportunity to clarify the nature of the project and whether we are ready to commit to this venture. We are endeavouring to offer gatherings in England, Portugal and other locations in Europe.
Those invited to attend belong to permaculture design and healing paths formal and informal networks. Invitations can be shared by those who receive them with interested friends, family members and acquaintances. We encourage everyone interested to attend an invitation gathering to find out more information about the eco-village and land trust project as well as meet like minded people.
An informal brief presentation will be followed by workshops where we will explore options in terms of principles and values guiding our collaborative work, governance modes and right livelihoods. This process will be facilitated by the Northern School of Permaculture, friends and associates.
Our objective is to gather approximately 50 investor-households who are truly committed and ready to engage with collaborative community living. The transition to live permanently in Portugal would be progressive and not compulsory.
As initiators and investors we would be responsible for the visioning process of dreaming and co-creating our eco-village land trust into being, as well as engaging in the participatory design process needed to develop the material and non-material structures essential to implement the 'dream plan' into reality.
Original investors have the right to build an eco-dwelling and have the responsibility of collectively holding in trust the entire site, its common buildings and other infrastructures deemed necessary.